• January 16, 2014

Jimmy impersonator won Butlin’s award

Jimmy impersonator won Butlin’s award

Jimmy impersonator won Butlin’s award 150 150 mhamer
Philip Lewis is on the right of the talent show line-up

Philip Lewis is on the right of the talent show line-up

Pictures of a young Jimmy Cricket impersonator from the 1980s have been sent to the well-known Northern Irish entertainer.

They were posted to Jimmy at his home in Rochdale just before Christmas and were taken back in 1987 during a Butlin’s holiday talent show hosted at the Grand Hotel in Scarborough.

Philip won an award for his Jimmy Cricket impersonation

Philip won an award for his impersonation

The focus of the photos are a young man named Philip Lewis who, as a 10-year-old, entered the competition complete with hat and wellies!

It was at a time when Jimmy had several television series on ITV and Philip was dressed up in attire for which Jimmy had become famous.

And Philip did such a great job of impersonating Jimmy that he won an award for it!

Jimmy said: “It was a nice surprise when I opened the letter containing these pictures and a bit of nostalgia crept in as well.”

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