• May 2, 2013

Working to stop cruelty to animals

Working to stop cruelty to animals

Working to stop cruelty to animals 150 150 mhamer

60s tribute band called the Beat Legends A 60s tribute band called the Beat Legends (above) and BBC Radio Merseyside presenter Frankie Connor were also on the bill when Jimmy Cricket appeared in a charity show on Merseyside.

Sue Lees

The event took place at the Huyton Suite in Knowsley and was organised by Jimmy’s good friends Bill and Sue Lees from Liverpool.

It was in aid of a very worthy cause close to Bill and Sue’s heart called Animal Defenders International (ADI).

ADI is the leading animal protection organisation working to stop cruelty to animals worldwide. It is a major international campaigning group, with offices in London and Los Angeles.

Sue Lees (right) is herself a very talented singer and also appeared on the show.

Top entertainer Jimmy said: “A good night was had by all and significant proceeds will be sent to the charity.”

Jimmy Cricket with one of the event's supporters

Comedian Jimmy with one of the charity event’s supporters

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