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Sellout performances at Tenerife’s popular Skybar 150 150 mhamer

Sellout performances at Tenerife’s popular Skybar

Jimmy Cricket caught up with showbiz friend, former Emmerdale star Frazer Hines, when he and wife May flew out to Tenerife recently.

The famous Northern Irish comedian performed at two sellout shows at the Skybar on the largest of Spain’s Canary Islands, off the coast of West Africa.

Skybar has a programme of entertainment all year round and is one of the most popular night-time destinations for British tourists who holiday in this part of the Spanish island.

My big thanks goes to @BazButcher and all the staff @SkybarTenerife alongside Didi the Compère and Justin @OasisFmTenerife for two sell out shows!

Jimmy posted the photo above on social media, saying: “My big thanks goes to and all the staff alongside Didi the Compère and Justin for two sell out shows!”

Lovely catching up with showbiz friends @WhoFrazer and colleagues in the business, Matthew, John, and Jill, and meeting @Crissy_Rock and husband Julian along with some of their friends tonight @SkybarTenerife

The all-round entertainer also posted the photo above and said: “Lovely catching up with showbiz friend  and colleagues in the business, Matthew, John, and Jill, and meeting and husband Julian along with some of their friends tonight

Frazer Hines () is an English actor best known for his roles as Jamie McCrimmon in Doctor Who and Joe Sugden in Emmerdale. Hines appeared in 117 episodes of the original series of Doctor Who.

Tenerife trip turns into a family affair at Skybar! 150 150 mhamer

Tenerife trip turns into a family affair at Skybar!

Jimmy Cricket performed at the Skybar in Tenerife

It was off to warmer climes for Jimmy Cricket at the start of the year, as he embarked on a trip to the Canary Islands.

Jimmy Cricket with three members of the Skybar audience

The visit had been in the pipeline for several months and was all down to Baz Hunter, the owner of Skybar in Tenerife who wanted to host the famous comedian at his venue (above).

Skybar has a programme of entertainment all year round and is one of the most popular night-time destinations for British tourists who holiday in this part of the Spanish island.

Jimmy’s trip was made all the more special as by sheer coincidence he also had family on the island holidaying at the same time.

This included his wife May’s sister, Margaret, her husband, Graham, and her son and daughter and their spouses (all are pictured below), ensuring there was quite a party who came along to support Jimmy at the Skybar.

This is not the only overseas trip for 71-year-old Jimmy during 2017, as in March he will be travelling over to appear at the Benidorm Palace in Spain.

And in April he will be performing on Easter Saturday at the Wayside Cheer Hotel in Guernsey.

Jimmy Cricket with wife May (pictured left) and members of her family

Merry Christmas and a happy New Year, folks! 150 150 mhamer

Merry Christmas and a happy New Year, folks!

Jimmy Cricket's Christmas card features new US president Donald TrumpDear readers,

I cannot believe 2016 is coming to an end and the Christmas season is once more upon us.

This year has been a fantastic one for me personally as it all started back in January with a service led by the Bishop of Salford to formally award me with my Papal Knighthood.

During the year I have also been fortunate to have:

·         Been involved in some great shows, such as the You Must Be Joking, which toured Northern Ireland back in the spring, and the opening weekend of The Good Old Days autumn season at the world-famous City Varieties Theatre in Leeds

·         Made a couple of appearances alongside my friend Tony Crane and the iconic 60s band The Merseybeats

·         Had trips to Spain to appear in some lovely venues around the Costa Blanca region

·         Paid visits to the Warner Leisure sites at Nidd Hall in Harrogate and Bembridge on the Isle of Wight

·         Did a spring season at the Lyndene Hotel in Blackpool

·         Continued to write a monthly column in the Preston-based Lancashire Evening Post

·         And managed, at long last, to launch a new Christmas CD for the Francis House Children’s Hospice – a project I’ve been wanting to get off the ground for a couple of years. As I write this, I am nearing sales of more than 1,300 from this year’s festive period.

This Christmas I am at the White Rose Theatre in Leeds featuring in a panto production of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.

And then when we get into 2017, I immediately fly off to Tenerife for an appearance there early in the New Year!

And there’s more…

… Other highlights for 2017 include a return to the Benidorm Palace in March alongside Gerry and the Pacemakers; another residency back at the Lyndene Hotel in Blackpool over the winter, spring and the autumn; teaming up with my pals from  show band group Clubsound for a night in Northern Ireland In April; a visit to the Wayside Cheer Hotel in Guernsey over the Easter weekend; a voyage with Cruise & Maritime Voyages around the Faroe Islands in July; and plenty more to keep me out of mischief!

If you see me advertised at any venue near you in 2017, please do come along and say ‘Hi’!

That reminds me… can I thank all those who over the last year have either seen one of my shows, or browsed this website, or bought one of my CDs or DVDs.

All that remains for me to say, dear readers, is have a happy Christmas and a great start to the New Year!

Jimmy Cricket's signature

Jimmy Cricket’s 2017 schedule includes Tenerife & Guernsey trips 150 150 mhamer

Jimmy Cricket’s 2017 schedule includes Tenerife & Guernsey trips

We may only be in the autumn of 2016, but famous comedian Jimmy Cricket already has some exciting plans lined up for next year.

The Wayside Cheer Hotel in Guernsey

His schedule early in 2017 will include some overseas trips, which he says he is “especially looking forward to”.

After concluding his pantomime commitments in Leeds city centre (he will be the special guest in a seasonal production of the classic fairytale, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs at the White Rose Theatre), the 70-year-old entertainer will be in Tenerife at the start of the year.

He flies off to the Canary Island where on Thursday 12 January he will appear at the SkyBar. Tickets are already mostly sold out, but for more information please visit here.

Jimmy Cricket will be appearing at the Skybar in Tenerife

Then at Easter, Jimmy will visit the Channel Islands and the beautiful location of Guernsey where he returns to the Wayside Cheer Hotel (above right).

This is a venue owned by Jimmy’s friend, Ken Smith, and he has appeared there several times in the past, but it has been a few years since his last visit. Jimmy’s appearance will be on Easter Saturday  (15 April). More information can be found at the Wayside Cheer Hotel  website.

And the Belfast-born comic will be returning to the world of cruise ships during the summer of 2017 when he stars in shows on an Irish-themed voyage for Cruise & Maritime Voyages.

Jimmy’s on-board stay will be during their Scottish Highlands and Faroe Islands voyage scheduled for a week during July. For more information go to their website here.

And he expects to be doing more overseas trips in the autumn of next year too, so continue to watch this space!

Reunion with fan after nearly 30 years 150 150 mhamer

Reunion with fan after nearly 30 years

Jimmy Cricket recently caught up with a fan almost three decades after they first met.

Jimmy Cricket with Lisa Roberts in Corby

When the famous entertainer was performing at the Viking Club in Corby, Northamptonshire, in the audience was Lisa Roberts and her husband Elio.

Lisa has a tale to tell that dates back a long time…

When she was six years old, her family had a holiday in the Devon resort of Torquay, during which her parents bought tickets to see Jimmy in his summer show at the Princess Theatre.

Unfortunately Lisa was ill at the time and so the family could not go and see Jimmy in action.Jimmy Cricket with Lisa in Torquay But as Lisa was a big fan, a couple of days later the family ventured down to the theatre’s stage door to see if they could catch a glimpse of Jimmy after the show. As Jimmy was leaving the theatre, he spotted them and went over to say hello.

Jimmy gave Lisa an autograph and they had their picture taken together (left).

And, nearly 30 years later, they had their reunion in Corby – and, of course, another photograph (above right)!

Lisa has been a nanny for 18 years and a maternity nurse for 10. Six years ago, when she was based in Tenerife, she set up her own business called Tenerife Childcare.

She moved back to the UK seven months ago and now runs the business from her home in Northamptonshire. She has 10 qualified nannies from Britain working in Tenerife for her.

It’s Showtime in Tenerife! 150 150 mhamer

It’s Showtime in Tenerife!

Jimmy Cricket with the Showtime Tenerife teamFamous entertainer Jimmy Cricket met the Showtime team and caught up with some old neighbours when he performed recently on the Spanish island of Tenerife.

The Belfast-born and Rochdale-based comedian appeared at the Karting Las Americas club and then did a warm-up act a few days later for the Showtime Tenerife team. Chris Elkington, who was the promoter of Jimmy’s first show, is also the Showtime producer.

Jimmy said: “Chris is quite the entrepreneur on the island as he also runs an English radio station called Oasis FM and produces an English-speaking newspaper called Canarian Weekly.

“I really enjoyed the Showtime Tenerife show, which had a great array of talented singers and dancers who performed a number of songs from the shows.”

He added: “This was a great visit to the island for me, as, apart from the warm climate, I was well received when I appeared at the Showtime venue with the audience giving me a standing ovation!

“Thanks to the comedian Steve Salter for performing a great warm-up spot for me. [Steve also provided the photo above of Jimmy with the Showtime team].

“I was also thrilled to be able to catch up with some old neighbours of mine from Rochdale who were holidaying in Tenerife at the same time, and I invited Diane and David Ireland and their family to have some tea with me.

“All in all, a successful trip the Canary Islands!”