• August 2, 2018

Dublin’s great genius wit himself… & Molly Malone!

Dublin’s great genius wit himself… & Molly Malone!

Dublin’s great genius wit himself… & Molly Malone! 150 150 mhamer

Jimmy Cricket is on performing on the Magellan which visited Dublin

Famous funnyman Jimmy Cricket is currently working on a cruise ship which is sailing along the coasts of France, Portugal and Spain.

Jimmy, 72 and his wife May are on board the Magellan – a ship belonging to Cruise and Maritime Voyages. It’s a boat he has performed on previously.

The first stop after leaving Liverpool was Ireland and Belfast-born Jimmy posted on social media (see above): “Here at our first port of call, Dublin, where we bumped into the great genius wit himself [Oscar Wilde] and Molly Malone!”

Oscar Wilde, born in Dublin, was an Irish poet in the latter half of the 19th century and became one of London’s most popular playwrights at that time, being especially well-known for his witty portrayal of people and life in general.

As a result of being on the cruise, Jimmy has postponed his next ‘Charity Jam Night’ at St Vincent’s Parish Centre in Rochdale by one week until Tuesday 14 August.

Jimmy Cricket is performing on the Magellan cruise ship

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