• August 1, 2022

Facebook & Twitter profile photos show celebrities

Facebook & Twitter profile photos show celebrities

Facebook & Twitter profile photos show celebrities 150 150 mhamer

Jimmy Cricket has changed his Facebook and Twitter profile pictures

The Facebook and Twitter profile pictures for Jimmy Cricket now show him with a host of fellow celebrities and friends.

The Northern Irish comedian has put the same image on both social media platforms.

The Krankies, plus the late entertainers Paul Daniels and Frank Carson, are among those on the photo.

Additionally, Tommy Cannon and his late comedy partner Bobby Ball feature on the picture.

Reaction to the new image has been very positive.
Gary Wilson said: “Wow my childhood in one photo! What an amazing lineup.”
And Rod Barry commented: “That’s a proper variety line up!
Paul Naylor described it as a “great picture”, adding that it was “variety at its best”.
Meanwhile, Michelle Carrots Campbell said: “Fabulous image of true talent. So many no longer with us…”
Jimmy has nearly 5,000 friends on Facebook, while his Twitter account has more than 9,000 followers.
The popular funnyman has just marked 12 years with a Twitter account.
He has been a Facebook member for a similar length of time.

Also read: Paying tribute to Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy

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