Jimmy Cricket and his wife May have come up with a special Christmas show format in place of the usual panto.
The United Kingdom continues to remain under coronavirus restrictions.
It means it is highly unlikely theatres will be able to stage traditional pantomimes over the Christmas and New Year period.
So Jimmy and May – who goes under the stage name of May Marion – are offering venues, The Crickets at Christmas.
The photo above is of a poster on the homepage of Jimmy’s webpage.
Jimmy explained: “Panto just like Santa, Christmas trees and turkey is a mainstay of our festive season.
“A wonderful opportunity for the whole family to visit the theatre.
“It’s also a two-way process when theatres can put the house-full signs up and take in a bit of cash to help them get through the rest of the year.
“It’s going to be sad this year to pass some of our local theatres and not hear that laughter and applause.
“To help any theatres that don’t want to remain dark and keep a link open to their regular patrons, my wife and I have devised a two-hander Christmas show.
“It will follow government guidelines with social distancing etc, so everyone can feel safe.
“It can be a 90-minute straight through show or an hour each half with an interval.
“Because of limited capacity, we’re happy to do two shows.
“It’s something to keep us going until please God we can all get back to normal.
“Stay safe and healthy everyone!
“Just ring us on 01706 353545 for a booking!”
Also read: What it might be tough to stage pantos this year…
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