Posts Tagged :

St patrick’s

Irish comic set for hectic St Patrick’s Day period 150 150 mhamer

Irish comic set for hectic St Patrick’s Day period

Christmas CD for charity is now officially on sale 150 150 mhamer

Christmas CD for charity is now officially on sale

Children from St Patrick's RC Primary School in Rochdale sang at the concert

Jimmy Cricket has officiallyΒ launched his new charity CD for Christmas 2016.

The event earlier this month was marked by a mini-concert at the Francis House Children’s Hospice in south Manchester.

It was a fitting venue for the launch of the CD, called Santa bring my wellies back to me, Β as all proceeds will be donated to the charity.

The audience was composed of Francis House volunteers and parents of some of the children who are cared for by the organisation.

The evening started with a buffet followed by the mini-concert.Β For this, famous entertainer Jimmy – who has just turned 71 – was joined on stage by some of the other singers who feature on the CD, namely the choir from St Patrick’s RC Primary School in Rochdale and his wife, the female vocalist May Marion.

All 10 songs from the new CD were performed and all were well-received, with a particular warm reaction granted to the signature track, which Jimmy performed alongside the choir, and also for the novelty song,Β No one wants WilburΒ (the turkey).

There was also an opportunity for the choir (pictured top) to sing a track on their ownΒ and they chose One bright star from their Christmas repertoire.

Jimmy, pictured below performing one of the songs, said: “The choir not only sang superbly, but they behaved impeccably and their mere enthusiastic presence gave everybody at the concert a lift.”

After the event, copies of the CD were available to be bought and nearly 200 have already been sold – this without a Christmas illumination or decoration in sight!

Jimmy Cricket's Christmas CD is now officially on sale

Joker Jimmy performs in joker’s club! 150 150 mhamer

Joker Jimmy performs in joker’s club!

Jimmy Cricket and friends at the Joker's Workingmen's Club in Selston

Jimmy Cricket performed last month in the aptly named Joker’s Workingmen’s Club in Selston, Nottinghamshire.

The Irish comedian appeared on 10 March in a pre-St Patrick’s Day celebration where he “had a wonderful time”.

Gerry Molumby, one of the organisers, is well-known within the Irish community and is hosting a celebratory event in tribute to film star Maureen O’Hara at the Irish Embassy in London in June.

  • Watch a slideshow of all the photos relating to this event – supplied by Gerry Molumby – at Jimmy’s flickr pages here.
  • Jimmy Cricket and friends at the Joker's Workingmen's Club in Selston
    Jimmy Cricket and friends at the Joker's Workingmen's Club in Selston
    Jimmy Cricket and friends at the Joker's Workingmen's Club in Selston