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Catch up with Concordia show in photos

Jimmy Cricket and fellow performers at the Concordia Theatre in Hinckley, Leicestershire

Jimmy Cricket’s recent performance at the Concordia Theatre in Hinckley, Leicestershire, was captured on film.

Jimmy Cricket performing at the Concordia Theatre in Hinckley, Leicestershire

Matt Holt took these photographs, which are courtesy of MGL Media.

It was the second of two variety shows, which well-known entertainer Jimmy did with Midlands crooner Michael George.

The other one took place at the Trinity Arts Centre in Gainsborough, Lincolnshire, seven days earlier.

They each featured Michael, his wonderful eight-piece band, his troupe of dancers, a supporting female vocalist, and comedian Jimmy as the special guest star.

The Concordia Theatre show is an annual event, which Michael holds each year to raise money for charity, with all proceeds going to Leicestershire-based  Hope Against Cancer.

Jimmy said: “I enjoyed working with Michael at both the Gainsborough and Hinckley shows and found his enthusiasm for performing just wonderful to see.”

Jimmy Cricket performing at the Concordia Theatre in Hinckley, Leicestershire