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jennifer shaw

Bumping into an old friend… 150 150 mhamer

Bumping into an old friend…

Jimmy Cricket checks out the measurements of the new stall

Jimmy checks out the measurements of the new stall at Heywood Indoor Market

Jimmy Cricket bumped into a friend whom he had not seen for some time when he attended the 10th anniversary celebration of Heywood Indoor Market.

Her name is Jennifer Shaw who has in the past been a promoter of shows and an events organiser.

Some of the shows she has promoted have involved Jimmy and Buzz Hawkins of The Bradshaws fame.

Jennifer still organises golfing events, but recently she has turned her attentions to a haberdashery stall on Heywood Indoor Market which she took over around a year ago.

Said Jimmy: “I was really delighted to see Jennifer again and wish her well with this new venture.”