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Jimmy Cricket’s stolen wellies hit the headlines 150 150 mhamer

Jimmy Cricket’s stolen wellies hit the headlines

The Rochdale Observer reported the theft of the wellies given by Ken Dodd to Jimmy CricketThe theft of concrete wellington boots given to Rochdale-based Jimmy Cricket by fellow comedian Ken Dodd has certainly attracted the attention of the media.

The wellies were given by Ken Dodd to Jimmy Cricket

Ken gave the sculpture (right) as a 50th birthday present to 67-year-old Jimmy who said he was “gutted” about the theft from his garden on Monday night.

As well as featuring catchphrases like “come closer!” and “…and there’s more!” in his act, Northern Irishman Jimmy is also famous for wearing wellingtons marked with the letters R and L, but on the wrong feet, on stage.

The story of the theft of the wellies, which were given by Ken Dodd to Jimmy Cricket, featured on the front page of the Rochdale ObserverHe said the concrete wellies were of “high sentimental value”.

Greater Manchester Police said they were investigating the incident.

The BBC, ITV, the Rochdale Observer (see images with this story) and several radio stations were among the many media organisations to report on the crime.