• June 21, 2015

‘It’s official darling… the plumber gag is global!’

‘It’s official darling… the plumber gag is global!’

‘It’s official darling… the plumber gag is global!’ 150 150 mhamer

Jimmy Cricket's column in the Lancashire Evening PostJimmy Cricket tells readers of his latest newspaper column about a successful two-week stint he had in Missouri, USA, a few years ago.

The famous entertainer says in the Lancashire Evening Post that he had a nervous start in Branson, where his show was being held, but settled in soon after telling a particular joke.

He recalls: “At my first show I did a popular joke from my act that goes ‘I’d now like to sing a sad song, folks. It’s all about a plumber that says goodbye to his girlfriend.

“‘It’s called It’s Over Flow!'”

Jimmy says that he phoned his wife, Mrs Cricket, after that first performance to tell her: “It’s official, darling, the plumber gag is global!”


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